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Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes

Customer Rating :
Rating: 4.0

List Price : $28.25 Price : $28.95
Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes

Product Description

Delight your baby's senses with Pampers Natural Aloe Baby Wipes! These unscented wipes clean gently like a baby's washcloth with pure water. Pampers Natural Aloe Baby Wipes Refills for one-touch tub.

Amazon.com Product Description

Unscented Natural Aloe Wipes with Soft Cleansing Buds

Pampers Unscented-Natural Aloe Wipes are made with pure water and contain thousands of soft cleansing buds. They gently clean your baby's skin in even the hard-to-reach places!

Pampers Baby-Dry featuring Caterpillar-Flex

Baby-Dry diapers with Caterpillar-Flex expand and contract as your child breathes, digests, and moves throughout the night.

Collect points every time you purchase Pampers diapers, training pants and wipes, then redeem your points for rewards at Pampers.com!

  • With unscented Natural Aloe
  • Made with pure water
  • Contains thousands of soft cleansing buds to help leave your baby's skin feeling perfectly clean
  • Resealable packs for on-the-go convenience or use with one-touch tub

Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes Reviews

Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes Reviews

Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
61 Reviews
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7 of 7 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars The best wipes; second to none, August 20, 2006
This review is from: Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes (Health and Beauty)
I love these unscented wipes, they stay moist for a long time in the package, and they work well to clean up the dirtiest messes. They're also soft and gentle on baby's bottom.

I'm sure there are more earth-friendly alternatives, but unfortunately I cannot afford to spend any more than I already do on baby wipes. These wipes do the trick.
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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars great wipes, August 12, 2006
Mom x 3 (Los Angeles, CA, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes (Health and Beauty)
these wipes are great. i have three children and have used the pampers, huggies, and house-brand wipes. the huggies are too thick and it seems you need more of them to get the job done. house-brand don't smell as good and tend to be a bit rough. the pampers are thin, soft, and moist enough to get the job done-because they are thin, they can be maneuvered around in all the important places and folded / refolded for 100% useage (unlike the huggies that once they are folded they become too thick to maneuver). definitely not too dry as other reviewers have said. if you want something moister, go get a paper towel and wet it with water.
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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars used to be great but that's history!, June 29, 2007
This review is from: Pampers Baby Wipes Refills, Natural Aloe, Unscented, 770 Wipes (Health and Beauty)
we have used these "unscented" wipes since our daughter was born 8 years ago. from diaper changes when she was a baby to cleaning sneakers, quick cleaning up of messes, it worked great. it also went from thick larger cloths quilted with the cutest animals to gradually smaller and thinner wipes with dots that i cannot make any sense out of. but, they still cleaned well and i didn't mind doubling up the sheets at times.
my husband bought a large box of "unscented" wipes and when i opened one of the packages, it smelled so strong i discarded the entire box thinking we bought the wrong thing. we bought another large box and made sure we saw the word "unscented" on the box and again, it smelled so bad i cannot imagine exposing a baby to those kind of chemicals. i called pampers and asked if they put "scented" wipes in the boxes marked "unscented" by mistake and they confirmed they had changed the formula with no perfume but a new masking agent to hide the smell of the ingredients... Read more
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